What is Sapphire FUE hair transplant?
With the advancing technology, new developments are coming in hair transplant methods and hair loss treatments every passing day. Being one of the most effective and result-oriented hair transplant techniques commonly used today, FUE method has carried its success a step further with fue sapphire hair transplant method and special sapphire tip pen.
What is Difference between Sapphire FUE and the FUE Performed with Metal Slit?
The channels opened using sapphire tip are much smaller and smoother. Thus, much less damage occurs in the recipient with a more perfect look.
It is the hair transplant where special tips made of sapphire are used instead of metal slits in the channel opening stage of hair transplant. Sapphire tip FUE is not a technique but an advancement in FUE method. It is intended for minimal crusting and a quicker process of healing by opening smaller micro channels in the area where the hair roots is to be transplanted.
In FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) performed using sapphire tip, hair roots are extracted one by one in the form of root from donor by using a micro tips through a micro motor under local anaesthesia. The harvested hair is to be transplanted in the channels to be opened in sapphire FUE method. These channels have a significant effect on the aspects such as angle, direction and density, which, in turn, siginifcantly affect the appearance of hair. Therefore, channel opening is the most critical stage for a successful operation.
Micro channels are now best opened by the help of this special sapphire tip. Hair roots are transplanted into these channels. Opened with sharp, smooth and durable sapphire tips in the length of 1,0-1,3 and 1,5, channels have a size equal to hair root, which allows for an increase in number of the channels opened and hair roots being transplanted closer to each other.